The No Bruises Campaign: Standing Against Hidden Domestic Violence aims to raise awareness, provide support, and advocate for victims of non-physical domestic violence. This form of abuse often leaves no visible marks but can have devastating emotional, psychological, and financial impacts.
Our campaign will utilize education, advocacy, community engagement, and partnerships to create a supportive environment for victims and work towards the eradication of domestic violence in all its forms.
How can you make a difference?
To get involved or learn more about partnering with us, please contact us.
January is Human Trafficking Awareness month and February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness month. Please join our VP of Abuse Services, John Long, for the following web conferences for warning signs, helpful resources, and ways you can get involved to promote awareness.
- Approximately 25 million individuals worldwide currently caught in modern day slavery
- In the U.S. there are at least 100,000 kids forced into sex trafficking every year
- In 2021, the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH) identified 10,359 situations of human trafficking involving 16,554 individual victims
- A 2023 study estimated that over 1 million people are living in conditions of modern slavery in the U.S.
- Florida is third in the U.S., when it comes to human trafficking
- Approximately 75% of female human trafficking victims have previously endured domestic violence
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children reports that 1 in 6 runaway children is likely a victim of sex trafficking, with many having fled domestic violence situations

- 1 in 3 teens in the U.S.
- 1 in 11 Females in HS
- 1 in 14 Males in High School
- 1.5 Million HS students each year
- Girls aged 16-24 are 3x more likely
- 50% teens who experience TDV attempt suicide
- 43% of reported cases of TDV at school
- 81% of parents either believed teen dating violence is not an issue or admit they do not know if it is an issue